What is a winter garden?​

Winter garden is usually an integral part of the house, its main feature is that it has a solid (usually iron) structure, which supports glass walls that allow contact with nature even in the comfort of the interior. The roof of the conservatory can be made with safety glass or semi-glazed infills.


Canopy are installed when customers want protection from the rain, so the roof can be glass or solid.

Summer kitchen

We know several winter garden, recently summer kitchen is very popular. The summer kitchen is a separate facility that is fully or partially glazed and is intended for socializing outside the basic facility. In various versions, it can also be an office, business premises or an independent building.

How are winter gardens and summer kitchens created?

A new anthracite winter garden was built in Celje. It is intended for a summer kitchen with a fireplace.

Concrete slab
Betoniranje Plošče
Construction of a metal structure.
Izgradnja kovinske konstrukcije letne kuhinje
Building a fireplace and a wall in the places of the kitchen, and covering the roof with sheet metal and roofing foil.
Letna kuhinja z pozidanimi stenami
Kamin v Letni Kuhinji
The day we glazed the summer kitchen
Letna kuhinja z vgrajenimi okni
Letna kuhinja z vgrajenimi okni
The final product